Hai Phong Portal

 Tiếng Việt

Haiphong has a typical weather of North Vietnam: hot, humid, and rainy and four different seasons of spring, summer, fall, winter. In particular, the winter is cold and dry from November to April, 20.3°C; the summer is cool, humid and rainy from May to October, the average temperature is around 32.5°C.


Haiphong has a typical weather of North Vietnam: hot, humid, and rainy and four different seasons of spring, summer, fall, winter. In particular, the winter is cold and dry from November to April, 20.3°C; the summer is cool, humid and rainy from May to October, the average temperature is around 32.5°C.

Average rainfall is 1,600 - 1,800 mm/year. Being adjacent to the sea, Haiphong is 1°C warmer in winter and 1°C cooler in summer than Hanoi. The average temperature during the year from 23°C to 26°C, in the hottest months (June and July) the temperature may reach 44°C and the coldest months (Jan. and Feb.) it can drop below 5°C. The average humidity is about 80 - 85%, highest in Jul., Aug. and Sep., and lowest in Jan., Dec.

Hai Phong Portal

Editor-in-chief: Chief of staff Tran Huy Kien

Head office: 18 Hoang Dieu, Hong Bang district, Hai Phong City